Let me introduce myself:
I am the conflicted love-child of Deepak Chopra and Wile E. Coyote!
I am the conflicted love-child of Deepak Chopra and Wile E. Coyote!
I was born thinking, I grew up observing, I have lived aware through a serpentine life and have, in fact, acquired a string or two of pearls of wisdom. Certainly, I can be an insightful soulful thinker. However, if some find my life inspiring, the interest of others seems to hinge on entertainment. Something akin to watching the Coyote: you know he’ll fall off a cliff or something, but also that he will undoubtedly pull out of the rubble, undaunted, relentless in his pursuit, and that he will faithfully be returning next week.
And so, friends will inquire: “So, what’s going on with you right now?”, “What unlikely thing happened since we talked, what boulder was dropped on your head, what wall did you hit, and how did you pick yourself up, again?”
And I will oblige with candid answers. I will tell them my stories with verve, sprinkled with humor, bits of self-deprecation, confessed ridicule of repetitious patterns and idiosyncrasies, joy and sorrow, and of course, new life insights.
I am an indomitable, insightful, prone-to crashes character!
So here I am, at the beginning of a new journey, with a new audience with whom to share my soulful flights and humbling crashes. Depending on how the wind moves me that day, I will do so with snippets and peeks, full reflections and stories, thoughts that will make you go hmm, make you go ahhh, perhaps go whaaat? or maybe just feel relief that you are not the only one with a strange mind! In any way, it will be there to share on what I hope will grow to be a lively teaching-learning community.
Until soon,
In kindness,
And so, friends will inquire: “So, what’s going on with you right now?”, “What unlikely thing happened since we talked, what boulder was dropped on your head, what wall did you hit, and how did you pick yourself up, again?”
And I will oblige with candid answers. I will tell them my stories with verve, sprinkled with humor, bits of self-deprecation, confessed ridicule of repetitious patterns and idiosyncrasies, joy and sorrow, and of course, new life insights.
I am an indomitable, insightful, prone-to crashes character!
So here I am, at the beginning of a new journey, with a new audience with whom to share my soulful flights and humbling crashes. Depending on how the wind moves me that day, I will do so with snippets and peeks, full reflections and stories, thoughts that will make you go hmm, make you go ahhh, perhaps go whaaat? or maybe just feel relief that you are not the only one with a strange mind! In any way, it will be there to share on what I hope will grow to be a lively teaching-learning community.
Until soon,
In kindness,